module FreeImage::Modify

  1. lib/free-image/modules/modify.rb

The Modify module provides methods that can copy, paste, composite, and enlarge images. It also allows the creation of thumbnails and filling background colors.

Public Instance methods

image.composite(background_bitmap) -> bitmap
image.composite(background_bitmap) {|img| block} -> bitmap

Composites a transparent foreground image against a background image. The equation for computing a composited sample value is:

output = alpha * foreground + (1-alpha) * background

Where alpha and the input and output sample values are expressed as fractions in the range 0 to 1. For color images, the computation is done separately for R, G, and B samples.

If an optional block is provided, it will be passed the new image as an argument. The image will be automatically closed when the block completes.

[show source]
# File lib/free-image/modules/modify.rb, line 64
def composite(background_bitmap, &block)
  ptr = FreeImage.FreeImage_Composite(self, false, nil, background_bitmap)
  FreeImage.check_last_error, &block)
image.composite_with_color(background_color) -> bitmap
image.composite_with_color(background_color) {|img| block} -> bitmap

Composites a transparent foreground image against a background color. The equation for computing a composited sample value is:

output = alpha * foreground + (1-alpha) * background

Where alpha and the input and output sample values are expressed as fractions in the range 0 to 1. For color images, the computation is done separately for R, G, and B samples.

If an optional block is provided, it will be passed the new image as an argument. The image will be automatically closed when the block completes.

[show source]
# File lib/free-image/modules/modify.rb, line 86
def composite_with_color(background_color, &block)
  ptr = FreeImage.FreeImage_Composite(self, false, background_color, nil)
  FreeImage.check_last_error, &block)
image.copy(left, top, right, bottom) -> bitmap
image.copy(left, top, right, bottom) {|img| block} -> bitmap

Copy a subpart of the current image. The rectangle defined by the left, top, right, bottom parameters is first normalized such that the value of the left coordinate is less than the right and the top is less than the bottom. Then, the returned bitmap is defined by a width equal to (right - left) and a height equal to (bottom - top).

If an optional block is provided, it will be passed the new image as an argument. The image will be automatically closed when the block completes.

The function returns the subimage if successful and othewise it returns nil.

[show source]
# File lib/free-image/modules/modify.rb, line 107
def copy(left, top, right, bottom, &block)
  ptr = FreeImage.FreeImage_Copy(self, left, top, right, bottom)
  FreeImage.check_last_error, &block)
image.enlarge_canvas(left, top, right, bottom, color, options = 0) -> bitmap
image.enlarge_canvas(left, top, right, bottom, color, options = 0) {|img| block} -> bitmap

Enlarges or shrinks an image selectively per side and fills newly added areas with the specified background color. The common use case is to add borders to an image.

To add a border to any of the image's sides, a positive integer value must be passed in any of the parameters left, top, right or bottom. This value represents the border's width in pixels. Newly created parts of the image (the border areas) are filled with the specified color.

Specifying a negative integer value for a certain side, will shrink or crop the image on this side. Consequently, specifying zero for a certain side will not change the image's extension on that side.

For palletized images, the palette of the current image src is transparently copied to the newly created enlarged or shrunken image, so any color look-ups are performed on this palette.



The number of pixels the image should be enlarged on its left side. Negative values shrink the image on its left side.


The number of pixels the image should be enlarged on its top side. Negative values shrink the image on its top side.


The number of pixels the image should be enlarged on its right side. Negative values shrink the image on its right side.


The number of pixels, the image should be enlarged on its bottom side. Negative values shrink the image on its bottom side.


The color value to be used for filling the image. See fill_background for more details.


Used to control color search process for palletized images. See fill_background for more details.

If an optional block is provided, it will be passed the new image as an argument. The image will be automatically closed when the block completes.

Returns a new image on success or nil.

[show source]
# File lib/free-image/modules/modify.rb, line 153
def enlarge_canvas(left, top, right, bottom, color, options = 0, &block)
  ptr = FreeImage.FreeImage_EnlargeCanvas(self, left, top, right, bottom, color, options)
  FreeImage.check_last_error, &block)
fill_background! (color, options = 0)

Sets all pixels of an image to the specified color.



The color value to be used for filling the image.

The type of the color parameter depends on the
{image type}[rdoc-ref:FreeImage.image_types]
bitmap::  RGBQuad
rgb16::   RGB16
rgba16::  RGBA16
rgbf::    RGBF
rgbaf::   RGBFA
complex:: Complex
others::  A value of the specific type (double, int, etc.).

Used to control color search process for palletized images.

Allowed values are defined as constants on the FreeImage
module and include:

Returns true on success, false on failure.

[show source]
# File lib/free-image/modules/modify.rb, line 187
def fill_background!(color, options = 0)
  result = FreeImage.FreeImage_FillBackground(self, color, options)
bitmap.make_thumbnail(max_pixel_size, convert = true) -> bitmap
bitmap.make_thumbnail(max_pixel_size, convert = true) {|img| block} -> bitmap

Creates a thumbnail image that fits inside a square of size max_pixel_size, keeping the original aspect ratio intact. Downsampling is done using a bilinear filter.



The maximum width/height of the returned image


When set to true, High Dynamic Range images (FIT_UINT16, FIT_RGB16, FIT_RGBA16, FIT_FLOAT) are transparently converted to standard images (i.e. 8-, 24 or 32-bit images). The default value is true.

If an optional block is provided, it will be passed the new image as an argument. The image will be automatically closed when the block completes.

[show source]
# File lib/free-image/modules/modify.rb, line 212
def make_thumbnail(max_pixel_size, convert = true, &block)
  ptr = FreeImage.FreeImage_MakeThumbnail(self, max_pixel_size, convert)
  FreeImage.check_last_error, &block)
paste! (other, left, top, alpha)

Combines or blends a subpart of another image with the current image.



Source subimage


Specifies the left position of the sub image.


Specifies the top position of the sub image.


Alpha blend factor. If alpha is 0..255, the other images is

alpha blended withe current image. If alpha > 255, then
the other image is combined to the current image.

The function returns true if successful, otherwise false.

[show source]
# File lib/free-image/modules/modify.rb, line 231
def paste!(other, left, top, alpha)
  result = FreeImage.FreeImage_Paste(self, other, left, top, alpha)
bitmap.rescale(width, height, filter) -> bitmap
bitmap.rescale(width, height, filter) {|img| block} -> bitmap -> bitmap

Resamples an image to the desired width and height. Resampling changes the pixel dimensions (and therefore display size) of an image. When you downsample (or decrease the number of pixels), information is deleted from the image. When you upsample (or increase the number of pixels), new pixels are added based on color values of existing pixels. You can specify an interpolation filter to determine how pixels are added or deleted using the filter parameter.

Returns the newly resample image or nil if the image cannot be resampled.



The width of the new image


The height of the new image


The filter to use when rescaling

Filter options include:


The simplest and fastest of the scaling algorithms. The technique achieves magnification by pixel replication, and minification by sparse point sampling. For large-scale changes, box interpolation produces images with a blocky appearance. In addition, shift errors of up to one-half pixel are possible. These problems make this technique inappropriate when sub-pixel accuracy is required.


An advanced parameterized scaling filter. It uses a cubic to produce very smooth output while maintaining dynamic range and sharpness. Bicubic scaling takes approximately twice the processing time as Bilinear. This filter can be used for any scaling application, especially when scaling factors are 2X or greater.


The second-fastest scaling function. It employs linear interpolation to determine the output image. Bilinear scaling provides reasonably good results at moderate cost for most applications where scale factors are relatively small (4X or less).


Produces the smoothest output, but tends to smooth over fine details. This function requires the same processing time as :bicubic filter. It is recommended for applications where the smoothest output is required.


The Catmull-Rom filter is generally accepted as the best cubic interpolant filter.


A sinc based filter. It is the most theoretically correct filter that produces the best output for photographic images that do not have sharp transitions in them. However, Lanczos will produce ripple artefacts especially for block text, due to aliasing. It requires three times the processing time of Bilinear. Lanczos is not recommended except in very rare applications using band-limited photographic images with no sharp edges.

If an optional block is provided, it will be passed the new image as an argument. The image will be automatically closed when the block completes.

[show source]
# File lib/free-image/modules/modify.rb, line 294
def rescale(width, height, filter = :bilinear, &block)
  ptr = FreeImage.FreeImage_Rescale(self, width, height, filter)
  FreeImage.check_last_error, &block)